Proprietary data, expert analysis and bold thinking for leaders who want to achieve the extraordinary.

Cyber Risk Board Oversight

The high-profile breach of Target's data reinforced that cyber security does not only impact IT but also the whole of a business. The resignation of the CEO and CIO underscored the repurcussions a cyber-incident can have on the confidence in an organization's leadership, market reputation, and shareholder value.

December 28th, 2017|

The Case for Audit

Admin Assistant Jane was considered a “trusted employee” by the non-profit’s CEO. Jane also happened to own a bridal business and was regarded a "fairy godmother" for having donated over a million dollars. So how was Jane able to pocket $5 million dollars over an eight-year period, undetected?

November 27th, 2016|

Cyberinsurance: Value Generator or Cost Burden?

Although larger companies may be equipped to weather a cyberstorm and its aftermath, 60% of small businesses close their doors within six months after an attack, making cybercrime an equal opportunity with unequal consequences. Some enterprises are beginning to consider cyberinsurance as a component of their risk transfer strategy.

October 11th, 2016|

Extending CDM into the Cloud

ControlPoints led the first CDM deployment in the cloud across the US federal government. In this case study we share our lessons learned, some noteworthy challenges, and recommendations for improving the program with national security implications.

September 27th, 2016|

Social Media Security

Social media adoption is rapidly gaining traction, with businesses making heavy investments to keep pace with the velocity of consumer demand from distinct social media platforms. What are some of the security pitfalls brands must understand and avoid to reap the benefits?

August 29th, 2013|

SAS70 Modernized

SAS70 is a report commonly used by an entity to gain insight into their third-party service provider's internal controls. Similar to the SAS70 report, there are two types of SSAE 16 service auditor reports; Type I and Type II.

February 8th, 2013|
