Ransomware Defense


Don’t let ransomware operators be more risk-targeted in their attack than your organization in its defensive measures.

Take the guesswork out of what security to put in place and how with a comprehensive set of controls laser-focused on mitigating data encryption risks from ransomware threats.



A new organization falls victim to ransomware every 14 seconds because of decreasing barriers to purchasing exploit kits, leveraging automation, and the use of payment anonymity in an ecosystem of inconsistent cyber hygiene.

Criminal cohorts and state-backed hacking groups have amplified their efforts to wreak havoc on organizations and individuals around the globe because of a singular objective: revenue generation. Attacks are specifically designed to identify weak entry points in IT then deny access to files using complex encryption until a ransom is paid.

Organizations in every industry are susceptible to a ransomware attack but becoming the next victim shouldn’t have to be the only outcome.

Our ransomware security program pinpoints the most important measures an organization must put in place to prevent and recover from a ransomware attack. Our risk-focused guidance can substantially enhance your ransomware readiness in the shortest amount of time. Instead of taking a ‘let’s find disjointed information from disparate sources’ approach or ‘apply cookie-cutter recommendations (that every attacker already knows about)’, our one-stop solution provides step-by-step proprietary guidance to help you level up your defenses and be fully prepared to recover from incidents should they occur.


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